By becoming part of the IAADS Board you will help to support the efforts of the organization. Additionally, by standing together we can create a more powerful voice for our industry.
The Indiana Association of Adult Day Services (IAADS) is the leading voice of the adult day service (ADS) industry in Indiana, and the state focal point for adult day service providers.
Organized in the 1980s, IAADS is committed to providing its members with effective advocacy, educational and networking opportunities, technical assistance, research and communication services.
Currently, the IAADS Board of Directors consists of as many as 14 positions, which are elected to serve by the members of the Association. The Board of Directors meets on a monthly basis, both in-person and via teleconference.
IAADS is committed to developing a diverse board with representation from throughout the community. As a potential board member, we invite you to read the included information and then complete the Interview Form. This will help the committee develop a slate for elections to the Board.