Start-Up Resource Kit
This is a valuable tool for anyone desiring to start an adult day center. It includes a comprehensive list of organizations and associations, the Indiana FSSA Medicaid Waiver Standards and Guidelines, the Indiana Administrative Code and Veterans Handbook as they pertain to adult day services. There is a timeline of things-to-do before opening a center; a section about caregivers, materials and supplies needed and a couple of activity related magazines that are widely used in the industry.
Individual OR Center Member Price | $129*
Non-Member Price | $258*
Start-Up Training Workshop
This is a one-day small-group training workshop with an experienced IAADS Board member designed to help you learn business basics for adult day services as you prepare to start your adult day service. Agenda items include feasibility studies, business operations, staffing preparations, activities, policies and procedures, fundraising, community awareness and marketing. If you are looking for someone to help guide and mentor you through opening your center, this is a must-attend training.
PLEASE NOTE: Fees are assessed per attendee and the registration process must be completed for each participant.
Individual OR Center Member Price | $361* per attendee
Non-Member Price | $721* per attendee
(* Includes online transaction fee)
2021 Start-Up Training Workshop dates will be driven by attendees and scheduled as interest is expressed.